Transforming Long-term Care Medication Management with RightMAR: Enhancing Patient Safety, Reducing Errors, and Streamlining Workflows

Case for eMAR

There has been a significant rise in the demand for long-term care services in recent years, not only among the elderly population but also across all age groups reflecting the growing need for specialized care and support.  Our RightMAR software offers several benefits to healthcare facilities and their staff members. This application is a feature-rich tool for nurses and other licensed personnel who administer medications in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, mental health treatment centers, rehabilitation facilities, correctional institutions, summer camps, and other settings. With RightMAR, nurses can easily reorder, track and manage medications for their patients, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring that patients receive the correct doses of medication at the right time. Our user-friendly cloud-based software can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, making it convenient for providers and staff members to use. Overall, RightMAR helps improve the quality of care which makes it a valuable asset for any healthcare facility.

The eMAR (Electronic Medication Administration Record) is the backbone of any nursing software for long-term care facilities. It provides a platform where nurses can document the administration of medications electronically, which offers many benefits. One of the key advantages of eMAR is the reduction in medication administration errors and discrepancies. By automating the process of medication administration, eMAR software ensures that the “7 Rights” of safe medication administration are met. These include the right drug, right dose, right time, right route, right patient, right reason, and right documentation. The eMAR system can save a lot of time for nurses by putting verifications on software instead of performing a large number of various checks manually. It provides alerts for missed doses and reminders for upcoming medication administration, reducing the risk of medication errors, and improving patient safety. Overall, eMAR is an essential tool for any long-term care facility, providing an efficient and safe way to manage medication administration.

Business Model and Workflow

Many eMAR applications rely on pharmacy management software to push order information to eMAR. This approach, known as a pharmacy-driven workflow model, heavily depends on pharmacy operations. With this type of integration, the nursing staff is often experiencing delays in populating orders in eMAR and subsequently, in medication administration. Other eMAR applications utilize a facility-driven workflow model when orders are entered by nurses directly into the eMAR system based on verbal, phone, or written prescriptions. While this approach can speed things up, it also opens the door to potential data entry errors, often creates extra work for providers, and generally allows for transmitting orders from eMAR to one pharmacy only. RightMAR offers both options for order input, as well as a Surescripts-certified e-prescribing capability.

The e-prescribing feature in RightMAR presents an efficient and compliant solution for all parties involved. With this functionality, providers can swiftly and effortlessly order any medication, even controlled substances, while nurses gain instantaneous access to the order details in RightMAR. Furthermore, a contracted pharmacy receives a valid prescription for dispensing. In the event that the prescribed medication cannot be obtained promptly from the contracted pharmacy, the e-prescribing feature facilitates the immediate routing of the order to a backup pharmacy, such as during emergencies. Additionally, the feature enables the transmission of discharge orders to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice.

RightMAR, our state-of-the-art eMAR software, will help streamline the medication management process at any long-term care facility. With our flexible configuration options, we can cater to your specific engagement with your pharmacy provider. Our top priority is ensuring that your nurses have all the necessary information at their fingertips in order to provide the best possible care to your patients.


Does RightMAR support e-prescribing of Rx items only?

No. RightMAR allows prescribers to electronically order Rx and over-the-counter medications as well as supplies (i.e., would care dressings) and procedures (i.e., lab tests). All these orders are important for high-quality patient care in LTC settings.

No. A facility can choose virtually any pharmacy provider. Pharmacy software capabilities may determine the information flow configuration (i.e., from a facility to a pharmacy, from a pharmacy to a facility, or bi-directionally).

If a contracted pharmacy has HL7-compatible software, then transferring complete census and order profile information from the pharmacy to RightMAR could be completed within 24-72 hours depending on the bed count and the total number of active orders.

No. RightMAR is a web application. A facility can use its existing computers and/or laptops connected to the Internet.

No. Facility users only need a web browser. Major browsers such as Edge, Chrome, and Firefox are compatible with RightMAR.

Yes. All users in RightMAR are assigned certain roles (i.e., Prescriber, Staff Nurse, Facility Administrator, etc.) Our professional team provides training for all user roles before going live. We offer pre-recorded video tutorials as well as live webinars. Our technical support will assist with any software questions or concerns after going live.

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